This is a strange and turbulent time...a viral pandemic upon us, the world in an ongoing struggle to survive and the best and worst of humanity on display every day. There is little comfort to be found anywhere as the debates, misinformation, disuptes and yes, death and suffering as a result of covid-19 fill our days. The reality of life with covid-19 is simple - until there is a vaccine or effective treatment we are constrained by it, our 'freedoms' and personal 'rignts' are superceded by the needs of the greater common good, if everyone stays apart, wears a face mask, washes their hands then ALL of us will be ok. It's not that hard. And for any of you with lingering doubts, personal grievances, disuptes with the best advice from the health authorities, I encourage you to volunteer your time at a local hospital ICU/ER, offer your help to first responder paramedics, nurses, doctors....perhaps first hand experience will convince you, help you understand what's really going on!
It's a habit I have, when things are wierd, challenging, just do what I know and then try to figure out the other stuff. So in these strange times I fall back on this, more of the same old, same old...what I know. Stay well, stay safe.
Seeded Sourdough Bread
- fresh milled sifted rye, Marquis and khorasan 30%
- organic all purpose flour 70%
- filtered water 80%
- young levain 28%
- sea salt 2%
- toasted sunflower seeds 3.5%
- toasted pumpkin seeds 3.5%
- toasted sesame seeds 2%
- soaked flax seed 3.5%
- sifted bran coating
2 hour autolyse; 3.5 hour bulk ferment (the dough was very active, it's really hot this week) with 4 series of stretch/folds over the first 2 hours; pre-shaped/final shaped and cold proofed overnight 10 hours; baked 500F covered for 20 minutes, 450F covered for 10 minutes and 450F for 19 minutes directly on the baking stone.
- Cedarmountain's Blog
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Very handsome loaf you baked. I love the blisters and the oven spring. Post some photos of the crumb once you slice it up. Seeded sourdough is probably my favourite sourdough to bake still and yours looks amazing.
Hi Benny,
Thanks for your message, good to hear from you...hope you and your wife are well, staying safe? Sorry, no crumb shots, these loaves were given to friends.
I’m sure the crumb was excellent David.
My partner and I are both well. We have enough PPE now so our frontline work feels much safer than it was at the beginning of then pandemic thanks for asking.
how about you and yours?
We're ok, still trying to wrap our heads around this surreal existence, the day to day stuff...seems the curve here is starting to trend upward again so some concern the second wave is forming. No surprise given the ideal summer conditions encouraging people to let their pandemic guard down what with lax social distancing, gatherings and such. Things are about as stable as can be expected for now but who knows what it will be like in another month or two when people head indoors again. There is some concern too that PPE stockpiles may still not be sufficient for what's ahead...as I said, day to day stuff is what it is right now. Stay the course Benny, keep your self and your partner safe, and thanks for staying on the frontline!
And nice ears too; great looking loaves!
Thanks Lance
This Covid thing certainly affects us in strange ways. I feel like a turtle who crawled into her shell and stayed there to ignore the rest of the world. I think I’ve baked once or twice since mid March. I just haven’t felt like it. I guess it didn’t help finding out that the community pottery studio I attended closed permanently due to Covid so I’ve been doing a lot of just vegging in between the yard improvements that hubby decided it was the perfect time to do. So one pond filled in and changed into a pondless water feature, 3 cubic yards of river rock spread around the yard, one lawn filled in and sodded, one landing deck done and one fence put up. Next is walking path in new lawn and redo the side yard steps/landing. Oh and there was some 50 flower pots planted in there too. Sounds like a lot but really it wasn’t when spread over several months. And yes, we did all the work ourselves.
This week I decided I needed to get out of turtle mode and get back to baking. I’ve got my sourdough fed and ready to use tomorrow morning. Hopefully I haven’t lost my touch!
Your loaf is stunning as usual. Stay safe!
Glad you’re out of your shell Danni, I was wondering what happened when we weren’t seeing your beautiful bakes. It has been strange times in the world, but baking has helped keep me sane and it should help you too.
Good to 'see' you here again Danni, cheered me to see your familiar user name pop up! Glad you're ok, have been occupying yourself with what does sound like a lot of work, stay safe, stay well!
Thank you!