blue corn in a KoMo mill?


I recently bought a KoMo mill (this one after trying the whole flour grinding deal out with a cheap hand mill.  The KoMo is great and thus far I have made flour from white wheat, rye and pearled barley.  I would like to grind up some blue dent corn coarsely, but from experience with the hand mill I know that corn is tougher to grind than many other grains.  Will this mill handle it?  The manual suggests that field corn (not popcorn) is doable.  Anyone ground up blue corn with this mill or a similar one?

Has anyone else tried  corn in the Komo??? My Komo XL is still on back order but I have probably 200 lbs of corn and am really hoping I do not have to purchase another mill. It said corn was OK. 

Any dent or flint corn should work in your KoMo. I have a KoMo Classic that I use on a regular basis to grist whole dent corn. It's been yellow up till this week but I've also just started using blue without an issue. Popcorn contains oils that are not good but dent is fine. If you have a problem for whatever reason gumming up the stones you can easily clean them with a couple of passes of white rice through the mill.

I have also used the mill to grind corn that has been nixtamalized but have dried it first after the process. I only did this once as the hassle of drying after the nixtamalization process was a tiresome. I have since started using the meat grinder attachment on my Kitchenaid to grind the wet corn.

I was thinking of investing in a Kitchenaid meat grinder attachment for exactly what you did.  I'm just wondering if the meat grinder will make the nixtalamized corn into a fine enough mush for tortillas. Would you think this is better than a food processor?