i did my first recipe from peter reinharts whole grain bread book and i'm very pleased with it. this is the most oven spring i've gotten on a free form bread to date. i am not allowing anyone to cut into it until completely cool....this could take a while.
about the hungry family....with the squash soup...the boule did a fast disappearing act! the crumb was a small grained one, as i used reinhart's 100% ww sandwich loaf for the recipe. i haven't yet tried an open crumb recipe....i would like to do this soon as my sourdough is up and running. thanks for the encouragement and feedback!
That loaf is a thing of beauty! Factor in that it's whole-grain and it is simply stunning in its rise.
As far as the crumb goes, I find it difficult (thought not impossible) to get anything like the open crumb I get on white loaves or low-percentage WW loaves, once the whole-grain gets above 30%. At that level of bran and germ I stop looking for open crumb, even on high hydration dough. If it happens, it's lagniappe.
That's a real winner you made there. Kudos!
Soundman (David)