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The picture perfect loaf. After a couple of disappointments ie, full on overproof last week and slightly entering the overproof zone yesterday, I figure it's time to cpncentrate again. This time shavint 5 minutes off the final and remembering my own tips on scoring. Its so easy to forget. Pretty nice loaves today !

Even after so many of these things its still a challenge to get them shaped perfectly straight - it seems as soon a syou get comfortable you start slacking off as is the case with the last two bakes.  After stopping and concentrating today it seems they came out quite nicely.  Actually I used to go for plumper in thr middle but over time your taste changes.  If anything i now would prefer something a little thinner in the middle.  Check out bikeprofs masterpieces - they seem to bulge ever so slightly at the ends - jusy georgeous but we all know bikeprof is not human and from planet breadia ! 

Ill go, I'll go I'll go (

To be fair you did oblige my request for long loaves amd of course knocked it out of the park - very bikeprof if i recall, just unreal.  Need to get a starter going as i killed the last one.  Ok equipment is on the counter new build in progress.  Stay tuned ... 

Nah, they were okay for a first run as shaping and scoring could have been more consistent.  But I was happy to get you off my back ;-) .  And was satisfied that they came out as well as they did.

So...even if you don't really like the levain breads, perhaps dipping into them just for the exercise and seeing how they perform should be worth it.  You've no worlds left to conquer for fresh yeast baguettes.

Ok just from my perspective the two most beautiful loaves i have seen on tfl are your long one and bikeprofs regular. I just love the end scores especially the double ear and they way the your and the profs open laterally - just perfection. Yes you are correct fresh yeast baguettes now just about use it or lose it. Starter is on the bench actually two jusy in case of problems. Actually Im doing one with apples and raisin water and the other a straight flour and water. It also occured to me to maybe do a rye starter too so may pick up some rye flour tomorrow (will see)

You have definitely set a high bar for me. They look as perfect as perfect can get on this earth.

I now know the possibilities of T65 french flour. These images are saved as a goal for the future, sure hope it doesn’t take 1,000 loaves to get there.

You wrote, “remembering my own tips on scoring. Its so easy to forget. Pretty nice loaves today”.
Please share those tips with me.


Hmm in think at the time I reminded myself to envision the five slices first before actually cutting in, so as to not over or under shoot each cut.  That or put a slight curve to each cut.  Whatever it was I think it was just headspace stuff.  Why can I not remember ? And why wont this text remove bold ?