Best bread for steak sandwich

Profile picture for user SallyBR

This is my first attempt at starting a discussion, I hope I'm posting in the right place


this coming weekend I want to make steak sandwiches to invite friends over to watch a football game on TV. 


I would appreciate some advice on the best bread for that - I thought about ciabatta, but maybe there are better options.... also, I have two kinds of sourdough starter that I could use, so feel free to point me to recipes that need a starter (one is a starter made according to Dan Lepard's Handmade Loaf, and the other is the King Arthur starter).


thank you very much for your help

Hi, Sally. You are in the right place. :-) What do you want the steak sandwich roll to do? If you want it to absorb lots of juice and get a soggy crumb, ciabatta would be great. If you serve ciabatta right after baking or re-freshing in the oven, the crust will be crisp, otherwise it will be soft. If you want a denser crumb that will absorb some juice but remain firm and have a crunchier crust, I would recommend the onion rolls I just made from Norm's (nbicomputers) recipe. Here is Eric's (ehanner) write up, which has good step-by-step instructions: Please note that the onion roll dough is also used for Kaiser Rolls. See my recent blog entry: Greenstein, in "Secrets of a Jewish Baker" recommends the same dough be used for hamburger buns. In fact, you could follow Eric's instructions and substitute any topping you please for the onion mixture, for example, sesame seeds. You could also shape the pieces into long rolls rather than round ones, depending on the shape of the steak portions you want to sandwich. I used the Kaiser Rolls as hamburger buns for last night's dinner. My wife, who loves hamburgers but hates soggy buns, thought she was in heaven. I'm pretty sure we will never be buying sandwich rolls again. Happy baking!

 Perfect! I will go for the second option, not only it seems more appropriate, but it gives me a chance to practice a different recipe (I made ciabatta last week)


will report back.....






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