Tip - Stop blade from slipping off Lame

Profile picture for user DanAyo

In the past, when the doubled edged razor blade slips of the lame, it has been a source of anxiety. The bread is ready for the oven and while scoring the blade starts to fall off the stick. Been there, done that...

The round chop stick also makes a nice spoon shaped cup in the razor blade. So far, this setup is providing some very nice, non-drag slashes.


and you aren't planning on sending a metal file hidden inside a cake to a cousin in the penitentiary, here is another alternative.  Even though I've never had the blade slip off the holder, I did add the bend to the end a few years ago as my insurance policy.  It also helps reinforce the curvature of the blade.

Two years ago on TFL I referred to it as my Saw Shank Retention.

Sorry danno I'm a square chopstick kinda guy.  A little whittling and you're golden ! 

Just dont go there ! Quick change of topic yeah -  Ordered a new small deck oven today with a 25 × 19 deck.  220 single phase.  It's all pastry until then folks ;) 

662F and about 25 inches wide inside?

 Assume a top and bottom heating element. Can they be individually adjusted?

looks like to have a long wait. Patience is a virtue... But then again, anyone who has baked as many baguettes as you kniws all about patience and persistence.

Dan,  I have a cheap 2000 watt version of a pizza oven from ebay.  Can they elements be individually adjusted, well yes and no.  They are not all that far apart, so , for example, if you turned the bottom one off and set the top on one, the stone would still heat up.  The top element is so close to the top of a loaf that it is easy to burn the top of the loaf.