Pain de Mie


I decided to venture into enriched breads this week and make Pain de Mie from The Perfect Loaf: 

It's a great bread with a lovely buttery smell and taste. One loaf's already gone. Tomorrow we'll use the second for french toast! I suspect it was only slightly over fermented given the larger crumb holes just under the top crust - but just. The loaf with the dull crust colour was a bit smaller than the other and probably shoudl have come out of the oven a few minutes earlier.


I like the crumb that way rather than real tight or the tangzhong version. Where does that shine on the crust come from? What mixer do you use? Some people probably shudder when they see all the white flour in the blog list this week but I am not one of those whole grain only guys. Have you tried the Approachable loaf yet? It has become my go to sandwich loaf.

Thanks. Admittedly I'm not a big fan of all only using AP flour. But I wanted to give this a try. I opened up the second loaf this morning and it was quite good as well. Maybe even a bit better.  The shine was simply an egg yoke and tablespoon of table cream mixed to brush on the loaf before it headed into the oven to bake.  I used it for french toast this morning and frankly, it was amazing. Overall I like the bread, but wouldn't make it to eat other than for french toast. Not sure what the approachable loaf is - can you share a link?

I tried The Perfect Loaf Pain de Mie and mine was underproofed with enough height.  Yours are much more successful, they look great.  I assume you guys loved the flavour of it since one loaf is gone.  Did you butter the top crust when it was still hot to get the lovely shine?


Thanks Benny. The shine comes from mixing a yoke with a tablespoon of table cream. I brushed it on just before it headed into the oven to bake.