Need kefir grains-Minneapolis,MN


The minute I entered the expressway in Florida for my drive to Minneapolis, I remembered I had not grabbed my kefir grains from the refrigerator at the last minute, as planned. Too far to turn around at that point.

Are there any Fresh Loafers in the Minneapolis area (actually I'm in Eden Prairie,MN) willing to part with a tablespoon of kefir grains? Just PM me.

Thank you!




No one nearby able to provide kefir grains? A contact-less exchange can be arranged, if covid exposure is a concern.

I am in a high risk category for covid complications and have been stringent on not being exposed. I have been self-quarantined since March 12. I drove to avoid flying and my hotel choices were thoroughly researched for no central (between room) air handling, no contact check in and the room sanitized by me. All food brought with.

I really miss my daily kefir. I hope I can acquire some soon. Any assistance appreciated.

Going to do a local, contactless pickup shortly from someone who advertised on the local Craigslist.

 Kefir (milk Kefir) must be lessening in popularity as even a world-wide forum did not produce any leads. The tradition was that grains should never be sold as they were a gift of nature but that ideal has been swept away. I still won't complain (much) as the benefits are priceless to me.