First time making a Japanese hokkaido milk loaf


As a very part time home baker that's got into it more during lockdown, like many, and due to no dried yeast anywhere, I have dabbled with sourdoughs etc.

However having read up on many posts I was fascinated by the Pullman pan and its history and the way it makes a loaf look. Then watched a video of a Japanese Hokkaido loaf being made and I had to have a go.

I must say I was so happy with the outcome, it was soft and pillowy (is that a word?), tasted great and looked just like I hoped it would.

not sure if you can see the crumb

with the other half of the dough I made 6 lovely dinner style rolls. 

Thanks Benny, there was a moment when I took the bread out of the tin and my heart sang...(I need to get out more), I really hoped it was going to taste as good as it looked and it didn't disappoint.

Its a bread I will be making often.


Absolutely Gorgeous, Frank! 

I hope you kept track of the total dough weight. It perfectly filled the pullman...

Different types of dough will require different total dough weights to fill the pullman. For example Milk Bread is light and lofty, whereas 100% Whole Wheat will require more dough weight because of it’s density.


Thanks Danny, I keep a meticulous record of my recipes I use, as I have OCD for spreadsheets etc. I've never been a huge fan of whole wheat bread, however I may try some mixes with some of it in. 

I just had to show off with that loaf though, next one will probably be a disaster now!!!

I love the Pullman pan though, it just creates the loveliest looking loaves.