Hi all,
You know how once in a while you find a tool that is just so pleasing and works so well that you want to tell everyone about it? This is one of those times. I've always had a fondness for mechanical beaters/whips: there's something pleasing about passing a bowl of whipping cream around the table and having everyone take a turn to whip the cream until it's done. And the gears, and whirring..the whole thing is just very pleasing. However, most mechanical egg beaters/whips/mixers are not well made: they're stiff, they rub, they grind, they're awkward to hold, they rust.
The OXO Good Grips egg beater solves all of those problems. It's stainless steel, disassembles so the working parts can go in the dishwasher, has a beautiful smooth, whirring action, and a nice upright rounded handle instead of an awkward horizontal bar. But the BEST PART is that you can take the two beaters off and you are left with a perfect dough whisk!
Anyhow. Not to nerd out over a tool, but it does make me happy every time I use it, so I thought I'd share. It's $20 on Amazon, but probably available in plenty of other retail outlets.
For mixing dough or batter I love this tool.
Danish dough whisks are one of the best buys for anyone that bakes.
Love this tool . It’s Also good for cookie dough
Thanks for sharing. I don't like messing with the cord of my electric beater /mixer sometimes. so without the beaters it acts like a danish dough whisk?
Bonus, you get a arm work out lol
With the beaters out, it's a smooth, stainless steel wire loop. Of course it doesn't have the little double loop on the inside of the traditional Danish dough whisk dbazuin shared above, but it works great for mixing sticky, shaggy bread dough. And with the beaters in, it does double duty for whipping cream or making a very smooth egg batter. Unlike the traditional dough whisk it can go into the dishwasher because no wooden handle. Around here anything that can't go in the dishwasher eventually (sometimes very quickly) gets ruined because teenagers doing cleanup!
Am I missing out by only using my trusty silicone spatula to mix?
Depends on what you mix. I find de danish good foor panckae batter and very wet dough.
I still have not made any rough sinds a hve it but. i am sure it is great for that to.
I find that the wire/dough whisk cuts through and mixes the dough faster than a spatula. The spatula approach also seems to work better with some kinds of wheat than others. But I don't think you're really missing anything. I mean heck, if it ain't broke, don't fix it! The only real advantage to the whisk is that it's way easier to clean.
Have you noticed how much stickier and harder to mix hard wheat is than spelt? I can mix a spelt dough with my hand, no problem. But a wheat dough I need to use the dough whisk. That stuff clings.