Bagel boards


Any suggestions where to buy them for the home kitchen? Making them seems like a pain.

It is a segment of jute webbing stapled to a section of 2x4. That is all. I got jute webbing for a few dollars at Joann fabrics or any craft store and I had 2x4 scrap and staples at home.

Also, you may want first to try baking them on a regular sheet.  Most people find it to be a perfectly acceptable solution.

Do you line it with parchment paper? You don't find the bagels stick after boiling and placing directly on the lined sheet pan?

I don't do any of that.  When you put a boiled bagel on a lined baking sheet you have a bit of time to move it where you want it before it sticks.  If you dunk it into a bed of topping after boiling it's probably even easier, as the bottom will dry some in the process.   I guess you can use cornmeal, but I know I would not enjoy the crunchy bits.


The boards no longer appear on their web catalog, but you might email them to see if there are still a couple in the warehouse.  Worth a try if you really want bagel boards.

Good Luck