Poolish/Leaven Croissant Help



I'm working my way through various recipes and struggling a little with croissants made from a poolish and leaven mixture based on the Tartine book.

Flavor wise everything is great. However, my dough is very proofed right out the gate and bouncy. There are so many air bubbles I'm essentially rolling out what I feel is bubble wrap. I've included a photo of the croissant pre-baking and you can see how thick it is (even after I rolled out the dough.) Any ideas as to what would cause this to occur?

Changes I've made: I'm using fresh yeast instead of active dry yeast and 2% milk vs whole milk

Thank you,


I will often levain croissant and on occasion get a bit of a bubbly mass but regardless, it will need to formed I to a degassed slab and chilled overnight (see around the 1:50 mark here - https://youtu.be/2OAUM0MRgQw).  If you do this and find that dough is not workable in the morning then I would suggest controlling the yeast better (lower the refrigerator or lower the yeast content).  By morning you should have a  clay-like slab and then go to town making sure you laminate before it warms up ! 

Please describe your lamination process.  I don't think I see layers in the photograph.  I see rolling from shaping, but I do not see layers from lamination.

butter is all chipped up in the dough, was rolled too cold or dough was too soft to laminate the butter evenly.