Burry's Euphrates Crackers


20 or 30 years ago, when I'd go to a local restaurant and visit their salad bar, they had a cracker  called "Euphrates."  It was by far, IMO, the finest crackers to put over a salad like croutons.

Sadly, Burry's stopped making them some time ago, and I cannot find any copycat recipes.  So, since TFL has such stellar artisan baking talent, I thought I would ask it here:

Does anyone have the original or copycat recipe for Burry's Euphrates crackers?


Try a web search on sesame crackers, sesame wafers, sesame thins, or benne wafers.

Saw some recipes at the usual recipe places.

Also this one: http://www.hungrybrowser.com/phaedrus/m0823tha18.htm


I didn't recognize the name, but going by the search results, the descriptions bring to memory a restaurant cracker, round, thin, glazed surface and sprinkled with sesame seeds.  I assume that's  the one you refer to.



That's the cracker!  Burry described as "getting your serving of bread."  Will check out the website.