I generally make my pie dough with a stiff ADY preferment but decided to convert the formula to use my stiff sourdough for a change. Came out quite good I’d say, though I think I prefer commercial yeast for pizza. The stiff preferment was noticeably less sour than the last time I made pizza dough with my starter, but this is still too sour for my liking. Will probably give this a shot again in a while and see if I can tweak the formula to reduce the sourness some more.
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I've made good tasting pizza crust with durum flour (actual flour, not semolina) and separately with a mix of hard white spring wheat flour and Kamut brand khorasan flour.
Durum and Kamut seem made for flatbread, which seems well-known in South Asia, but not so much elsewhere.
Newbie question: What's the difference between Durum flour and semolina flour? I was under the impression that they were the same.
Same grain, different granule size. Semolina is gritty, like sand, it's not really-truely a "flour". "Durum _flour_" is milled to a granule size like other flour.
"Durum Semolina" --> gritty.
"Durum flour" --> floury.
"Durum semolina" also known as "semolina" is always all endosperm, no bran/germ. (Ok, there may be rare exceptions.)
"Durum flour" needs further specification to let you know if it is refined (endosperm only), or "high extraction" (some bran/germ), or "whole grain" (all the bran/germ). (Just like wheat flour.... "flour" is not "flour" is not "flour.")
See products and pictures at: www.centralmilling.com/store
"Fancy durum flour" and "extra fancy durum flour" mean refined, endosperm only. (There may be some distinction between "fancy durum flour" and "extra fancy durum flour" that I am not aware of.)
Welcome to the imprecise vocabulary of baking!
Am waiting on my mill (GrainMaker). Besides making bread, I want to freshly-mill Durum for making pasta. Am going through the pasta recipes now for inspiration.
Thanks again!
I’ve been making the recipe for pizza dough that we did a Community Bake with here on TFL. http://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/60568/community-bake-pizza I really like the dough, the spelt in the dough really makes the dough extensible which is perfect for pizza. The flavour is excellent as well.
Thank you both for the suggestions. I’ll give both a try!