Can you do 3 proofs


Hi,  I am making French loafs.  My second proof, the loafs spread and lost their shape.  Can I punch down and reshape into loafs pans?


I sure would give it a go. I started today’s bread at around 10:15 mixed all ingredients roughly set aside till 11:10 to autolyse then did a stretch and fold set aside at12:15 another one set aside at 2:15 did another  at 2:45 did a laminate stretch  repeat at 4:30 now resting TIL 10 then will fold and shape and put in final proofIng dish and into  fridge for night to bake in morning. So basically will be 24 hours to bake since dough was first started.  Give it a go. Let me know how it works for you. If there’s flour there’s stuff for the starter to work on . Too much starter and smaller amount of flour I suppose would have the leaving  run out of food to process and collapse like the starter does in its container. Mmmm food for thought. ?