I’m new to this site so hopefully I have posted in the right section. Since the Coronavirus lockdown I have been trying to start using my bread machine again but have been unable to get any yeast; I always used Allinson’s Easy Bake (green tin). I have just bought Allinson’s time saver yeast as it is the only yeast I could find in the last 3 weeks. Can someone let me know if I can use this in a bread machine?
Based on a google search.
First off, no they are not the same as the time saver works up to twice as fast as the easy bake. That being said, I think you might have a few options:
1. Use the dough cycle to make your dough; do the first rise until it’s to the top of the pan, remove from the machine, and then shape and proof on a loaf pan on the counter. Bake in you oven.
2. Cut the amount of yeast in half and cross your fingers it works on the regular cycle.
3. See if your machine has a fast cycle and try that. I would cut back the yeast too. Maybe use only 3/4 of the recipe amount.
Good luck!
Hi, thanks for the reply. I have contacted Allinson’s and they have confirmed that this yeast cannot be used in a breadmaker. I think I will go with the option of using the dough cycle to get the first rise and then bake it in the oven.
Can you let me know how your bread turned out with the Timesaver yeast?
i have just noticed that the yeast I managed to buy at the beginning of lockdown is the 11g individual sachets of Timesaver... I did not realise it was different from easy bake... except the packaging was different...
has anyone tried it in a bread maker?
i was making a loaf (whole meal) and have just switched it to a dough program... but was curious if anyone had done a bake program. And what happened?
Treat the green tin as 'Instant Dry Yeast'. I use this type when I have to. It goes straight in at the start instead of activating in water if that helps you make your judgement. Never tried 'Timesaver' but if Allinson say, no... :D
I don’t have the green tin ...but sachets of Time Saver... this is all I could get
does anyone know if you can use this the same way as easy bake?
What I would do is look up the ingredients of green tin and other instant yeasts online. Compare with what yours says.
I would imagine this timesaver stuff to work fast and burn out fast.
Perhaps you can use it with potato flakes to make more yeast without the added extras that make it 'timesaver'.