A change in the weather has me spending more & more time, in the yard; and less & less time, baking. I love baking! I also love seeing the results of subduing my wild back yard, into something fruitful & see it become a more lovely place in which to spend time. I love being in each season, ie; cozy, homey, bread season, and; conquer another major project, in the yard, season. It’s just the bridging of those seasons, that gets me. It’s like I’m not quite done with one, emotionally, before it’s time to switch to the other. My muscles were super sore, the other day, so I decided to take small breaks from the yard, to make some slow-cold-fermentation bread. Six loaves are coming out of this (see picture) today. Don’t ask me why I decided to knead enough dough to produce six 625 gram loaves of bread, with sore muscles...I may have been in the sun too long to make any thoroughly processed decisions. ?
This post made me think of: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yqk6y5Hmy9s