Does anyone know why the sides are sinking in on my split tin as it cools please ?
I've been using the same recipe for ages, I've had great success but this happened on my last 2 loaves.
I was told it could be that it's just too heavy to support itself ? I left it to cool in its tin last time and although it wasn't as bad it still happened.
I use a Pullman tin 20x12 for a 500g swbf loaf.
That thick crust is probably impenetrable to the inner air, moisture and warmth. Slightly over-proved or too open crumb, the inescaping hot air contracted as it cooled, imploding your loaf.
Remedy: poke a hole for cooling.
That's my engineering view :D I could be way off.
If the results changed, then one or more inputs or procedures must have changed.
Did you move to a different house or flat? Is the water different at your new location?
Are you using the same tin as before?
Are you using a different oven now? Is so, how is this oven different than the previous one? Convection? Top heat? Bottom heat? Electric/gas?
The underside of the loaf looks under-baked, whitish, yet the sides are nicely browned. It looks like there is no bottom crust at all. Are you setting the tin to bake on a baking stone or pan or other object whereas before you weren't? That might be preventing the inside getting fully cooked and "set up." Or.... maybe the loaf is getting only "top heat" now -- that's why I asked if you now use a convection oven. Or maybe the convection oven's settings have changed?
Did you change the brand or type of flour?
I have changed flour to a higher protein (supermarket 11% to bakers green bread flour 12%)
The crust and crumb are perfect ,just as I'd like them.
Hydration is 62%, maybe a bit more as I put maple syrup to sweeten and 40g melted butter, so overall liquid would be 66%
I did one yesterday, it was better but still happened a bit. I'd let that one cool 60% in the pan but as you say the bottom, is very well floured so I can get it out. This results in a damp bottom (!!!) I stand it crust down to let that dry out and form a better crust.
Yikes ! So many variables - thanks all for your input. Any advice gratefully received.
Avoid all flouring of dough and tin. Use a bit of baking paper shaped over the base of the tin then dropped inside instead.
I'll try that, thank you
Yes, I'd previously found this , not sure what's the best pan, I like the larger shape the Pullman gives.
I've been searching for a high sided pan, that will give me the supermarket shape I'm after
I wanted to add that the reason, I found was pulling the bread from the tin created a sort of vacuum, sucking in the sides. If I put a knife down the side and released the vacuum it didnt happen.
Not quite sure what it is called but that might be the reason wavy metal pans with tall sides are so loved by their bread baking owners. When do you put the knife to your flat sided breads? Just before tipping them out? The loaves that create a vacuum, how browned are the crusts? Do they cool at all in the pans? Edit: ah they are cooling in the pans. Try to get them out of the pans asap. If they stick, perhaps a tad longer in the oven is needed or a better dusting of the pan.
I had sinking sides when making Approachable Loaves in tall pans. The Approachable Loaf is quite high hydration which I think causes it - the loaf just can't support itself. It also causes the loaves to stick!
I found the best solution was to let the loaves cool for 15 minutes in the tins and then turn out and put back in the switched off oven for 10 minutes to crisp up.
I heard Jeffrey Hamelman say recently that it is caused by taking it out of the oven too soon.
Good point! This is done for pie crusts to stop it from shrinking. When baked do not take it out of the oven straight away but allow the loaf to cool slowly inside the oven with the door cracked open. This stops it from shrinking in on itself. Although I think you were talking about under baking this also helps so thanks for reminding me.
Good call MTloaf