Hello from France

Profile picture for user Eliott

Hi !

A few days ago, I stumbled upon two articles from Debra Wink ("The Pineapple Juice Solution") that were truly enlightening and finally decided to not give up after the first few days of bacterial overgrowth.

So as a good percentage of the population, I decided to make another (the 4th or 5th for the last 4 years) attempt at making sourdough and am looking forward to share and discuss with you,


Profile picture for user Arno

Not sure what recipe you are using to create a sourdough starter, but if you need help, you will find here.

My recipe is very simple, Rye (seigle) flour and Water - Nothing else (maybe patience) 

Day 1
50g water + 50g Rye Flour Mix and wait = 100g
Day 2
Discard 50% eg 50g of the mixture and add 25g rye + 25g Water = 100g
Day 3
Discard 50% eg 50g of the mixture and add 25g rye + 25g Water = 100g
Day 4
Discard 50% eg 50g of the mixture and add 25g rye + 25g Water = 100g
Discard 50% eg 50g of the mixture and add 25g rye + 25g Water = 100g
Continue till you see the starter doubling... 
You should not have an issue