Homebrew Store

Profile picture for user OsoOndoBread

Hi all,


Wondering what type of grains I could use, (I imagine any) from the homebrew store? Lots of wheat of course of varying types, color, flavor and malts as well. Anyone ever done this?



The definitive answer is “Maybe”.  They tend to carry malted grains more than raw grains.  Check websites or make some calls to see what they carry. 


has some heavily roasted (non diastatic) barley and wheat with marvelous flavors, chocolate, coffee, and caramel.

These are whole, uncrushed grains.  I've bought several pounds.  and make a "tea" out of them.  Cheap, under $3/pound I think.

You have to boil, not just steep, because they are not ready-to-eat hygienic.  So says the maker.

I use 1 tsp of Briess Midnight Wheat (coffee), 1/2 tsp of Briess Choco-wheat, and 1/2 tsp of Weyermann Cara-wheat ( caramel), to 32 fl oz water, and boil until dark, about 10 min.

Sweeten to taste.   It is like a non-caffeine coffee, and not acidic like coffee.

If you experiment with wheat, barley, and orher stuff, you can approximate the old style "Postum" (tm).

Should be "kosher" for Latter-day Saints (formerly known as Mormons).


The dark water also adds color and flavor to bread.  I tried grinding the grains (coarsely in a coffee grinder) and adding them to dough, but they just stay as dark flecks.   If I had milled them, maybe it would have been different.

But boiling, and getting the flavor and color in the water is better.