Trying to get open crumb with European flours which only have 11.5g protein and do not take the high hydration common recipes call for. This is 74% which was pushing it. It also has 40% whole wheat spelt.
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That looks nice (a lacy crumb as described by Trevor J. Wilson). Also a really even bake around the edge, and a deep bake too that will spread the flavor. Spelt in general does not produce big holes, so congrats on your result.
Happy baking -- and stay safe and stay healthy.
thanks for the feedback.
That is really nice, that is the type of crumb I most prefer.
hey :) I'm new here and was wondering if you could give the % of the bread? I'm looking for this kind of crumb but I usually get either huge holes that make the bread inedible or just a very tight crumb.... Thanks and happy baking :)
flour (40% german whole spelt, 60% french T65)
20% starter ( mine is on the dry'ish side)
74% water
I mix everything together into a mass. let it sit for an hour then work it for approx 5 to 10min until the gluten is developed. I do stretch and folds every 45 min to 90min. I bulk ferment mine for about 12hrs @ around 18deg celcius. Shape and retard in fridge for another 8 to 12hrs.
That's a very open crumb for a 40% whole grain bread. Open != Irregular, I think.
Maybe you want more irregular holes? This video may help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZEZLIOecoM