Combining White Lily AP + KA Bread


Hello - 

I've got quite a lot of King Arthur Bread Flour that I stocked up on before the lockdown sitting around the house. The gluten content (12.7%) is a bit too high for the artisan-type loaves I've gotten into baking over the past few weeks. 

I don't want the flour to go to waste. I've also got a bag of White Lily All-Purpose (8% gluten?) and I was wondering if I could combine some with the KA Bread Flour to bring down the gluten percentage to a desirable level. 

From some quick back of the envelope math

75% KA Bread (0.75 x 12.7) = 9.525

25% White Lily (0.25 x 8.0) = 2.000

Yielding the combined flour at about 11.5% gluten. 

Any help is appreciated!


Other factors come into play, besides protein, that determine flour performance.  So, it may work, it may not.  But you'll have to experiment.

US all-purpose flour sometimes/usually does have some soft-wheat blended in.  And the White Lilly is advertised as all soft winter wheat.

Be sure to whisk the dry flours well for even blending.  And maybe do small batches until you find the sweet spot for the ratio.

Good luck, and please post your results.