I'm glad I found this forum :) I've about had enough with my attempts of trying to make a hot cross bun mix that actually works (please see attached photo, which was from a 2 hour "rise" of the dough! a total fail)
I'm using an old style breadmaker , and the type of yeast is asks for is "easy blend dried yeast". Now my understanding was that all dried yeast was the same, but I'm guessing I'm wrong! I've had a read of this thread:
But I'm still confused as to what type to use / get. Currently I have 2 versions:
1) From Sainsburys called "Fast Action Dried Yeast" . This comes in sachets (not sure the size, but its always fiddly to get the correct amount in a recipe, as enevitibly the sachet is always too much or too little)
2) I then purchased this type online: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/183283296188?var=0
Both of these were massive fails with the rise. The dough seemed to work ok to start with in the mixer, but once I knocked it back and left it to rise on a greased tray (with clingfilm covering), it didn't really rise at all
So I guess my questions are:
1) The recipe asks for "easy blend dried yeast" - is this the same as either of the types I've already got?
2) If its not either of the types I have, do you have any suggestions on where I can get the correct type? (I'm in the UK)
Thanks in advance!
haha now I feel like an idiot! So after reading the instructions on the side of my Allinson's tub of yeast, I see:
Reactivate this yeast in warm water before use. It is only suitable for hand baking. So if you're using a bread maker, try our easy bake yeast instead" .
Well, that would explain why its not rising :D I've just gone ahead and purchased "500g Fermipan Red Instant Dried Yeast For Bread Bakers Bakery" from Amazon. It seems quite pricey (no doubt due to Covid-19), but apparently 500g should make 100-150 batches of stuff - so I'm happy for it at that price. Now to try and find someone local who can make use of the other yeast I purchased so it doesn't go to waste