
Profile picture for user Bentoo

Hello from Lincolnshire in England. I found this great forum by searching for how much fresh yeast equates to dried yeast. I've been making bread on and off for a few years (I'm 71now) and came across something I'd never heard of, namely "The Bakers Percentage". Although my breads have always been good, I'm hoping this formula will take them to being even better. My mother used to make all our bread (there was nine of us in the family!) and, like washing day, there was a day specified as "baking day", when all the bread, cakes, pies et al, were made for the coming week.

Anyway I'm looking forward to learning more from you all.





I wish I could have experienced “baking day”. Or more accurately, the day after baking day!  The house must have smelled fantastic. Hope all is well across the pond and you’re all staying healthy and safe!


Hi Harbs,  "baking day" had it's down side, mainly rapped knuckles from trying to pinch a cake or wanting a slice of bread & butter while it was still warm. Worth the punishment though. lol

We're doing ok across here thanks. I'm "Home Alone" most of the day, as the Leader of the Opposition works in the NHS, not nursing, she gave that up twenty odd years ago, but on the admin side. So I'm the Chief Bottle Washer & Head Chef and can do exactly what I like; until she gets home of course. lol

Take care & stay safe,
