Trouble scoring baguettes with David's Gosselin recipe

Profile picture for user FrancisK7

So I just baked baguettes using David's Phillipe Gosselin tradition recipe here

I was very happy with the results, the crumb especially, which was very tasty and chewy, perfect for the jambon-beurre sandwich we made.

Unfortunately I wasn't super happy about how they looked:

In comparison, here are my baguettes using David's San Joaquin recipe.

For some reason, because the baguettes proofed out of the fridge and on a couche, it made it easier for me to score them correctly.

I had a lot more trouble shaping and scoring the baguettes using the Gosselin recipe.

As a new baker I know I lack practice, is there something I could do to help me improve my scoring? Could I put the shaped baguettes in the fridge for 20 min before popping them in the oven?

I prefer the crumb and simplicity of the Gosselin recipe, but thought it the dough from the San Joaquin recipe was easier to handle.

Thanks for your help!

As you can see from David's writeup, the lead picture is a Gosselin levain right out of the bag, and the scoring on that is "questionable" - by baker's standards, especially one as distinguished as M. Gosselin.  David's scoring on these is also sub-par for his usually exemplary handiwork.  

What it comes down to is that this formula, IMO, is designed to frustrate bakers who are used to getting clean scores.  I've made them a few times both as IDY and levain, and I have a difficult time getting clean scores.  I virtually always score right out of retard, giving my doughs the advantage of firming up and therefore a little easier to score.

As you say, scoring is a skill that takes practice, and all but the most gifted learners (not me) will go through that learning curve.

David has a tutorial video on scoring here n TFL.  As far as tips for improved scoring, here's some information overload I put out a while ago including a link to David's video...

Additionally, if you desire, here is a write-up that a relatively new baker might wish to review.  Accept and/or discard as you wish.

Good luck and keep at it, no substitution for practice!

Can’t disagree with Alfanso. This is not easy dough. I am always happier with the look of my epis than with my baguettes made from this you might want to go down that path if you’re not making bahn mi or other sandwiches. That said, Gosselin is my current favorite baguette recipe.


My semi-traditional scoring of my Gosselin baguettes is atypical for this bread. It is usually very rustic. I'm not sure Gosselin scored them at all. Just cut from the dough mass, stretched out and baked.
