A boule is a round loaf. I believe a miche is a giant boule. Is there a breadworld term for a mini round? Boulette <- before someone else says it. Then Russian Rye could be Russian Boulette. ha ha. Bite the boulette, etc.
Thanks for any input.
PS I've settled down now and I'm working the steps in BBA. I'm working on the basic sourdough recipe. I knew not what I was doing, flavour-wise. I am humbled.
Sounds a load of boule to me...
(sorry, I'll get on with my work....)
Come on David ! You can do punnier than that!!
Actually, reading again, I am feeling very ashamed of myself, as I think Pablo did want a serious answer first of all, and a range of bready puns second..
I think petit pain is any sort of roll, not necessarily a round one. It just means small bread after all
Thank you David. Do you know when a boule becomes a miche?
Oh! I just thought... the Boul' Mich' is the slang term for the Boulevard Saint-Michel in Paris.
So both these shapes could be quite Rive Gauche...or just out of left field?
At least, that's what they got called in my house when some hamburger buns got distracted, and lost track of all the ingredients like oil and milk that were supposed to keep them soft and squooshy, resulting in a pan of tasty but crusty mini-boules...
normal size or Bread is Brot, Loaf is a Leib (which also means Body),
mini size is Brötchen or Weckerl (with a V and sort of rhymes with freckle).
Shaped into a metal box form it is called Toast Brot. Then there are hundreds of names depending on what the ingredients are and the forms HERE IS A SITE with pictures next to the names, many share the same composite picture. Some are cakes because this is a list of all products.
Mini O