About baking stone

Please help me!!!

I have never used the baking stone before, it is not available in my place.

Is there anyway to substitute it??I want to make some of the recipes on TFL , does it matter if i do not use it??Thank you all

And a very good question.  All of the recipes here can be made without using a baking stone.  

Mini O

If you can find any terra cotta based large cooking vessel you can use that, perhaps turned upside down to get a large flat surface. Another option is to use a large flat cast iron surface should that me more readily available.


Mini oven,Richelle ,Kosherbaker , halfrice,

you are soooo sweeeet , and very kind , thank you all,

but i still have one question, " what is baking stone for???"

We should donate to produce a book " baking stone for dummies"

it will be very helpfull for me,hahahaha

Thank you all, God bless you all.