Hello all, I’m new to sourdough baking, I’ve fallen hard for all the variables to create something binge worthy. My goal is to find a honey whole wheat sandwich bread that my picky husband will eat. I will use starter for leven, maybe use oatmeal porridge to soften the texture and bake on top for a crunchy crust. It needs to be as close to store bought bread in appearance without a hint of sourdough taste. I’m not ready to create my own formulas. Any help you all can send my way is greatly appreciated!!
Lucky you. A Community Bake featuring a bread very much like that which you describe will begin within the next few days. Watch for Danny Ayo's announcement (see his previews already posted). Among the participants' posts that will follow, I'm sure you'll find a variation on the canonical Approachable Loaf that your picky husband will enjoy.
For your husband. I do the same thing for my wife. Homemade bread is healthier than store bought so I too would sweat over making a fancy loaf for my spouse. Best of luck to you.
and then make what you like for you. Why sweat it?
I agree with Mini. Over time, he might be interested in what you are eating and switch.
As to a great bread for you, Sarah Owens Honey Spelt bread is a great one to try.