These were all purchased used from the Amazon marketplace, unless noted otherwise. Prices include s/h (when web-order) but not sales tax.
These are my hardcopy only books, where I do not also have the Kindle version.
See the previous Kindle list: for books where I have Kindle+hardcopy, and Kindle-only.
$7.74, Local Breads, by Daniel Leader. Hardcover. Copyright 2007. A must have if you are interested in European style. Leader ranks up there with Reinhart and Robertson. Leader is one of the "Bread gods". And if you collect bread cookbooks, definitely get this.
$2.00, The Village Baker, by Joe Ortiz. Softcover, from Half Price Books storefront. Copyright 1993. I think this guy beat the others to the punch! Good photos of bread, outdoor hearth ovens, and plenty of how-to illustrations. Why isn't this book mentioned more often on the web? If you want great history, or a focus on European recipes and photos, get this! Has yeast recipes, various sourdough recipes, and combo sourdough/yeast. Many are commercial recipes, making 75 pounds of dough, so you'll have to use a spreadsheet or calculator to reduce quantities. Again, if you're a bread cookbook collector, get this. This made the trip to HPB worthwhile, it was a lucky find. Yes, 1993, and sourdough.
$7.07, Bread Alone, by Daniel Leader. Hardcover. Copyright 1993. I suppose this ties with Ortiz for starting the artsian bread revolution in the US. Disregard the negative reviews on Amazon. If you're a fan of Leader, or a bread cookbook collector, get this. Yes, 1993, and sourdough.
$7.81, The Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book: A guide to whole-grain baking, by Laurel Richardson. Softcover. Updated edition, copyright 2003. Worth the upgrade if you have the older edition. All 100% or majority whole-grain. Some sourdough, with instructions on building/maintaining starter. Not as great as Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads, but if you see it cheap, snap it up.
???, The Tassajara Bread Book, by Edward Espe Brown. Softcover. Copyright 1970. Original edition, 14th printing, August 1974. I forgot where I purchased this. Little did I know this is now a collector's item, $75 minimum, used, on Amazon. Mostly yeasted items, and baking-powder stuff. Instructions on a basic starter that start out with commercial yeast, and 3 sourdough breads, and one sourdough pancakes. 98 recipes total. The master method uses a sponge. In general, the recipes are terse, and use volumetric measurements, so you may need to experiment to find out what the instructions really mean. There is now a modern reprint that is still expensive, but you can get the Kindle edition of the reprint for $10. If you ever see this used at a store, Goodwill, HPB, garage sale, etc., for under $20, get it!
$5.99, Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day, by Hertzberg and Francois. Orignal Edition. Copyright 2009. Hardcover. Mostly whole-grain. High hydration dough keeps in fridge for at least 5 days, up to 10. Not top notch gourmet like the "bread gods", but "good enough". Yeast only. No sourdough. See their youtube videos.
$9.06, The New Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day, by Hertzberg and Francois. Hardcover. Copyright 2016. Greatly expanded. More oriented to the beginner, with pre-tested adjustments based on the brand of flour. Worth the upgrade if you only have the original edition! Also delves a leeetle bit more into sourdough. See their youtube videos.
$13.21, The Bread Builders: Hearth Loaves and Masonry Ovens, by Daniel Wing and Alan Scott. Softcover. Copyright 1999. Not so much on recipes, but great for science of and tutorial on sourdough. Get this before building your own oven,
$3.00, The Best Bread Ever, by Charles Van Over. Hardcover, from Half Price Books physical store. Copyright 1997. Both yeasted and sourdough, Has a 68% durum recipe and a near 100% durum recipe. Has how-to photos.
$9.26, Bread: A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes, by Jeffrey Hamelman. Original 2004 edition. Great technical tutorials. I haven't delved into it enough, but there are no whole-wheat recipes greater than 50%. The 70/80/90% recipes are rye, and I'm just a whole-meal wheat fan. I'll get the newer edition when the used prices come down. But for $9.26 including shipping, and VG condition, this was a worthwhile purchase. 2nd edition here:
$9.18, Brother Juniper's Bread Book, by Reinhart. Hardcover. Blue dust jacket. Copyright 1991. Just one recipe using whole wheat at 33%. Only passing references to sourdough. Uses volumetric measurements. At this point, I think it's mainly for fans of Reinhart. There is a later edition, but I haven't seen it in person. 2nd edition here:
$.75, Beard on Bread, by James Beard. Hardcover. Copyright 1973. Purchased at Goodwill. Sort of a collector's item. Volumetric measurements only. 18 recipes with whole-grains, including one 100% whole wheat. Includes chapters on rolls, sweet breads/coffee cakes, and flatbreads. Has two sourdough recipes, but they are initiated with commercial yeast. Has an interesring "black bread" recipe that looks like Borodinsky bread. If you are a cookbook collector, bread or others, snap this up if you see it $10 or under.
$12.85, My Bread, by Jim Lahey. Hardcover. New from Amazon. Copyright 2009. Haven't looked at it enough to comment. Bought it solely on its/his reputation.
$7.49, Simply Great Breads: Sweet and Savory Yeasted Treats, by Daniel Leader. Hardcover. Copyright 2011. Interesting tidbits, odds and ends. 136 pages. Good photos.
$7.25, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, by Hertzberg and Francois. Hardcover. Very Good/Like New. Copyright 2007. Mainly refined flour. I prefer the mostly whole-grains of their "Healthy Bread..." book. They have a newer edition out: "New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day." They have a total of at least five books out: Artisan, New Artisan, Healthy, New Healthy, and Artisan Pizza & Flatbread. 2nd edition here:
$10.40, Bread Revolution, by Peter Reinhart. Hardcover. Copyright 2014. I bought this because it has "whole grains" and "heirloom flours" in the subtitle, but it's almost all sprouted flour, which is dang expensive. So get this if you're into flour made from sprouted grain. If all you want is whole-grain, his "Whole Grain Breads" is better. This book begs the question, can you get nearly the same results by using some diastatic malt powder and/or dried malt extract? It would be a lot cheaper.
$7.30, Artisan Pizza and Flatbread in Five Minutes a Day, by Hertzberg and Francois. Hardcover. I really like the foreign/international recipes. Uses commercial yeast, not sourdough.
$2.99, Pizza Night!: 101 Incredible Pies to Make at Home, by Oxmoor House. Softcover. New from Ollie's Bargain Outlet, a brick and mortar store. Excellent photography. Recipes actually make sense. From the cover, you might think it's going to be schlock. But for a beginner, it's excellent. All photos are finished product, not instructional or in-process. Would be good for beginners, teens, and college students.
$5.98, 500 pizzas and flatbreads, by Rebecca Bauginet. Hardcover. Small footprint but thick. 500 includes the "variations." Great photos of finished products, but no how-to photos. Has some international recipes for the flat breads. Great for beginners, or kids going off to college. Your pizza-making college kid will be a pizza god/goddess with this book. An experienced baker can also get some good ideas here, especially for international flatbreads.
$7.65, My Pizza, by Jim Lahey. Hardcover. Not impressed by the doughs, but very impressed by the toppings/sauces. Top notch photos make this coffee-table worthy.
$6.55, Pizza on the Grill, by Elizabeth Karmel and Bob Blumer. Softcover. Good tutorial on how to do the dough for the grill. Also excellent ideas for toppings. Only _grilled_ pizza book I have, so I don't know how it compares to others. Great photos.
$6.34. Pizza Night, Williams Sonoma. By Kate Williams. Hardcover.
$3.00. Artisan Pizza: To Make Perfectly at Home, by Giuseppe Mascoli and Bridget Hugo. 2013 Edition. Hardcover, from Half Price Books.
$____. Pizza: 50 Easy Recipes, by Academia Barilla. Hardcover. I only got this because it is round. Published in Italy. This is an English translation. It has photos of final products, but no in-process or how-to photos.
(Please see the following post for links to the books described below.)
Since the OP is primarily interested in baking with whole grains, here are three books from my library that might be of interest. (The prices for these items vary; all are hard copy):
Bread Winners Too: The Second Rising by Mel London. Copyright 1984. A collection of recipes by various bakers, none using refined white flour. An earlier book by the same author (Bread Winners) does contain recipes with refined flour, so be sure to look for this one.
Breadtime by Susan Jane Cheney. Copyright 1990, 1998. The author is a former member of the Moosewood Collective. This book also contains recipes for dishes that use bread as an ingredient.
Uprisings:The Whole Grain Bakers Book Edited by the Cooperative Whole Grain Education Association. Copyright 1983. This book contains recipes from many baking cooperatives. The link in this post points to the edition that I own, but searching for the title on Amazon gives two other editions (both of which appear to be the same book as this one).
Thanks for the additional suggestions!
Here are the same links with webmaster Floyd's afilliate code:
Thanks for adding the correct links! I've deleted the links in my first post.