Fun with Bags

Profile picture for user Pablo

I bought 100 brown sandwich bags at the supermarket for 2.50.  Like everyone else, I have an ink-jet printer laying around.  I spend some amount of time fantasizing about bakery names and bread names.  I'm an innovative guy.  Put it all together and you have a little bag to put bread in for delivery to a friend:

bag simple

This particular bag misfed and the printing was misplaced.  That's why I still have it.  The 3 that printed well went out with bread and were very well received.  I had a lot of fun with it.  If you want to try it, my one tip is that to make the printer happier with the leading edge of the bag, I ironed it on a flat surface - just a towel on top of a table.  I sprayed the paper with a little water and then ironed it smooth.  The printer has been happy so far.


Pablo, this is the best post I have seen in a long time.  I have been trying to solve the bag problem for a long time.  This is certainly one of the ways of doing it.

Good story, I like it.


Thanks, Paul! Do I see a farmers' market stall and/or bake shop in your future?


Hi Carol, there are visions, but I don't think I could stand the hecticness.  It's fun right now, though, and I like these little crafty projects.


If anyone cares to guess, there's a pretty direct movie reference/pun in the term "Bread Simple".  5 awesome points to anyone who gets it.


You could make (or buy) long fabric bags with a drawstring (the best way to keep crusty bread btw...) and put the same message on them with transfer paper.

they do look very special!

OK, you've TOTALLY got me going here.  My other hobby, although, to be honest, in  10 years I've only made three, but we love each and every on of them, is quilting.  I have a bunch of denim left over from a project as well as a bunch (like 75 yards) of velcro.  Each person would need 2 bags, one to fill and one to return.  I suppose the more air-tight the closure the better.  I sense a winter project coming on!


I have almost run out of bread bags I purchased at the King Arthur site and they don't carry them anymore. I'm going to try this. I'll let you know how it turns out.


Don't forget to iron them!  At least the leading edge.  I sprayed a little water on mine first FYI.  Go for it.  Let me know how it works.  Don't run them through a laser printer, by the way, too hot and the rollers don't like the uneven surface of the bag.  But those little inkjets are just made for these kinds of projects.


Thank you Pablo,

Very nice idea for bread bags to keep our treasures in , thank you for sharing this innovative project.looking for more and more, greedy , am not i???

just found this thread, Paul, and you've made my day.   ...3 peaches...fermented...

Scenario:  I go to my Korean dentist and just start smiling and laughing and can't explain why.  


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