I've been baking for a while now and tried SD multiple times, to no avail. I recently found the 'Starting a Starter 101' post on here and gave it a try. Disclaimer: I live in the Midwest, in a partially converted old barn, and indoor temps rarely get above 60. It took about 10 days to get my starter going, but between gaaarp's instructions and the post comments, I took many deep breaths and let the starter tell me when to feed. It worked. I think the rye was the key (also leaving it in the microwave with the light on).
My whole need to attempt SD again was caused by the 'San Joaquin Sourdough' recipe on here. I just made it last night and holy crap...the dough sprung better, better crumb, much more tactilely 'alive', and I feel like it played nicer with my lame. And the flavor....golly.
This morning I woke up incredibly chuffed and spent some time on TFL figuring out how to convert a commercial yeast marmite bread to SD. The levain is currently coming to life in the microwave. YAY CARBS.
Anyhoo, wanted to say hello and fangirl on y'all a little. Thank you for your collective knowledge and great discussions. They've helped me a ton.
Welcome, I'm new here too. Congratulations on your successful bake. I have never tried a sourdough but plan to.
Hello fellow new person! Nice to meet you