pain au bacon feedback request


Hello all, I'm a long time lurker, first time poster. I've been baking for about a year and a half and been making sourdough as often as I can in that time! 

I recently tried Ken Forkish's bacon bread, as in flour water salt yeast and described here:

A couple of relevant differences to the described method are:

I use a rye starter rather than the suggested wholemeal based starter

I use a different way to mix ingredients, using a 'dough hook by hand' method I learnt elsewhere

I do slightly more stretching and folding than suggested, aiming for a fairly tight ball when I'm done in each set

Our oven was unusually unreliable and appeared to keep dropping temperature below 250C.

While I'm happy with the flavour, I'm a little disappointed with the oven spring and crumb structure. I was hoping for some feedback and advice!

Photos below. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Rye generally makes a starter more active/powerful than whole wheat.  So maybe try using less starter, or less bulk ferment time.  I learned from DanAyo, and verified it, that too much ferment/proof reduces oven spring.

Other than that..,. Mmmmmmm.... bacon.

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I've been wanting to try that recipe. Bread + bacon - how could it be bad?!? 

But only as in indulgence, you can definitely taste the bacon :)