I used 3 week old Sourdough starter, unfed and refrigerated for 1 week to Italian Bread Formula.
Starter .61 lbs. Flour 18%. Water 28%
Bread Flour 1.44 lbs. 82%
Water. .83 lbs. 36%
Instant Yeast. .25 oz. 1 1/2 tsp. .9%
Salt .50 oz. 2%
Sugar .13 oz. .5%
Dissolve starter in Water
Add remainder of ingredients.
Mix 5 min at medium speed (Speed 3 on my Cuisinart 7qt mixer)
Mix 5 minutes at speed 4
2 hr ferment @ 77deg with 2 folds
Shape and retard for 2-3 hrs,
Room temp for approx 1 hour.
Bake with steam on Baking Steel @ 450 deg. Time will vary depending on loaf size.
Can't read the recipe but the bread looks great. :)
Hope it tastes as good as it looks!
Hi Mini Oven,
I made some adjustments and clarifications.
Let me know what you are unclear about.