Finally created an account this morning after lurking for a few weeks and the first couple topics all about starters... timing. Haha
So I was given a starter and have made SD twice and each time kept part of the levan for my starter going forward. Each time it seemed to work fine. I’ve recently reduced the size of my starter to reduce waste. I’ve also transitioned to using all or part stone ground white wheat from ap. Sometimes I interchange. Is that a problem? The last couple days my starter has had minimal activity. Still smells sour though. Fed it three times yesterday. The last time was at 11pm or so. Since it’s cold I’ve been keeping in the oven with the light on. Was thinking that since it’s warm in there the starter would be even more active than normal but it isn’t. Minimal bubbles. Hardly any growth whatsoever. Fed it again about 2 hours ago and not a whole lot is happening. Was planning on feeding three times today but am I being to hasty and do I need to let it grow for a while before trying to feed again?
thanks for all help
I keep my starter in the refrigerator for as long as a month. I refresh it before I use it. and build it to the necessary size for baking. It rests about 2 hours between each additions. I retain only about an ounce of starter for later, I do keep a some starter that I have airdried, incase of emergency.
Thanks ford!