From an article in today's NYTimes
Small towns are losing their bakeries at alarming rates. Want to be the one to help save them?
From an article in today's NYTimes
Small towns are losing their bakeries at alarming rates. Want to be the one to help save them?
TFLers could crowd-fund a bakery purchase. Interested participants could then combine holiday travel with overlapping tours of duty manning the bakery. Alan, you and Dan seem naturals to oversee the project.
Just a thought ;-)
Go for it Alan!
What better person to ride to the rescue than you who has familial French Connections and is rumored to be <somewhat> proficient ;-) at baguettery.
And living in and providing daily bread to a rural French community. What an awful way to live.
Just send me the address when you've groked your new oven's fullness.
A few years ago my wife and I rented a small house in a small town near Uzes. The town had no stores. I think in the past there were a few stores in the main part of the down near the church. Our first morning we heard a car wiz by followed by a honk honk.. we opened our shutters to look and it was the smallest van I've ever seen on a bread run. The driver would open the back to reveal boxes full of fresh baked baguettes and the like. All the old people would shuffle outside to pick up a baguette, socialize for a few minutes and then all retreat back into their homes.. The driver would close the back of the van as she rushed off to the next town. It was magical..
Even French men/women, can not live on Baguettes alone! Smile... I kill me! Hey, Alan, check out my latest master works, in the forum/cakes and such.