I'm Ejay, an autistic, disabled, 46 year old mum to 3 kids, with my youngest ,12 and also autistic, still living at home. I'm a keen fibre and paper crafter, and a novice baker, who got fed up with holes in loaves from bread machines , but even more frustrated with white underbaked industrial, supermarket bread.
I have already asked questions and appreciate the help here, but I forgot to introduce myself first. Better late than never. Would also love to hear from any bakers in Glasgow/ Lanarkshire area or surrounding areas , and any info about wheelchair accessible workshops/classes.
A little late, but didn't want you to feel neglected.
My wife and I were fortunate to have visited Scotland a few years ago. Wonder of wonders, there was only one day that it rained and another that was somewhat cloudy over an 8 or 9 day visit. Lots of happy (and sunburned) people out enjoying the beautiful weather.
Glad to have you along as a part of this bunch of crumbs.
I must admit the past 3 summers and winters have been strange here. I have even had to buy an air conditioning unit !
Although most days we can literally experience four seasons in one day. LOL