Couche Storage After 'Disaster'

Profile picture for user sscisme

Hey there! I recently had a 'disaster' in my baking pantry and found moths in my folded up couches!!

I have since washed (ugh) and ironed them - but how do I protect them from this happening again? I have traps now (gross) and all is well - but I'm afraid if I stick them in plastic or something it might get 'stale'? Thanks so much for any advice! 


If they are shaked out and dried well and placed in a zipper plastic bag or large jar, I don't see why they would get "stale" unless they were parked in the sun or a warm spot.  Could even toss the zipped upped bags into the freezer for the summer or rainy season between uses.  :)

I cycle grains into the feezer for 24 hours, after buying.  It seems to kill any eggs that might be living there.  I haven't noticed any bad effects from it.  Certain flours don't seem to need it, like coconut flour, I think because they aren't made the same way, so the critters don't get into them. You could store the couches inside a pillow case which would allow them to breathe but keep everything out, as a preventative.

Moths do not like cedarwood. I use little cedarwood rings and top up with cedarwood essential oil ,to keep moths away from my wool and roving.  I have proving cloths etc. in linen drawstring bags, which I sit the rings on top of, so the aroma doesn't over power my dough.