Hi, just got an email from Amazon for a Kindle Book, Starter Sourdough: The Step-by-Step Guide to Sourdough Starters, Baking Loaves, Baguettes, Pancakes and More by Carroll Pellegrinelli.
It's only $.99, so hardly a risky purchase, but I was wondering if anyone here has the book and if it's worth the buy and read?
I am not familiar with it, but you can click the "look inside" to get an idea of the information given. Also, there is a sample recipe on the amazon page. Personally, I think her starter uses too much flour and I don't like that the recipes don't have grams (they do have ounces at least). I am not sure what new information you will get or what you are exactly looking for. But for a buck it might be something with which to pass the time.
I did look through it online.
I'm torn at this point as I have WAY too many cooking and baking books, between adding to the collection of books, or just getting into the kitchen and just doing it!
But for a buck, if there's one good idea, it could be worth it.
And I agree on the measure comment. Come on author, it's almost 2020 and virtually all good baking and cook books now use grams, not ounces.
$.99 is a good price for an ebook from an established author/writer.
Most $.99 books are from schlock authors, or non-native-English-speakers who copy-pasted stuff off the web.
So, if for no other reason than having an easy reference, or loaning a Kindle ebook to a friend (I think you can do that electronically) it's worth the $.99
Here's a direct link: https://www.amazon.com/Starter-Sourdough-Step-Step-Baguettes/dp/1641521643?tag=froglallabout-20
Updste: Oct 22, 2019
Just bought, downloaded, and skimmed the Kindle version. Good book. A worthy purchase at $.99. Professionally done. Not sure I would have paid full price for it, as I already have plenty of sourdough and other bread books. But, even if you already have a bread and sourdough library, can't go wrong for $.99 plus tax.