I have been trying different brioche bun recipes and I am just wondering what people look for in a bun? I know I want something that will hold up on a burger or chicken sandwich but I am not sure I am there yet.
I made a decent bun yesterday but it seemed a bit on the dry side and maybe a little too dense. Is there a trick to getting more airy buns? Any other brioche bun tips would be appreciated.
Thanks, s
Try Floyd's recipe in the search bar. It is so easy and the result is great.
I just looked at the pics from his recipe and his buns just look nicer inside and out for some reason.
If you mean a finer crumb then add a second bulk rise making sure to not go over doubling the volume of the bulk rises and give the dough a good knocking down, degassing, and folding/reshaping into a tight ball between bulk rises. Flatten out in the bulking straight sided container and mark the level.
Cream, butter and sugar and Sourdough! The double rise like Panettone makes all the difference, slightly under proofed and voila! A bun has to stand up to the burger, bacon, cheese, and caramelized onion, mushroom and Hatch Chilies around too.....or it is pretty useless.
Ill give these a shot. I used one for a sandwich yesterday and it held up well, it just wasnt all that great of a bun.
I used this recipe for cinnamon rolls this week; 20 minute knead in my trusty Bosch compact, one rise at room temp, overnight in the fridge then a final several hour proof at room temp again. The result was airy with a very fine crumb.
Be sure to watch salt content if using salted butter.