My wife accumulated 4 White Mountain Bread Dough Buckets.
My Mother-in-Law used to make a delicious light German Rye bread with her dough bucket, which is one of the buckets/makers my wife inherited.
My wife died and I am trying to locate a set of instructions for the White Mountain Dough Maker - Model 910.
The Young lady with whom I spoke at White Mountain had never heard of the Dough Bucket/Maker and said they had no archives or a copy of the owner's manual.
I have spent a lot of time spooking around on the Internet attempting to locate this manual, all to no avail.
Is there anyone other there either with a copy of this manual, or good instructions for care and feeding of my Dough Buckets/Makers?
Thank you for your help.
I find such sleuthing fun, but that doesn't mean I'm always successful at it. First, I see this, but I don't think it's available or viewable anymore, but it it's a lead:
Then, I see this. But I can't read it. MAYBE the person who bought this can be tracked down, I don't know:
Thank you - I found the first one too and contacted the website and they replied rather curtly that they do not give out client info, in spite of the fact that I asked if THEY could contact that person and ask..
I will explore your second lead.
Again, Thanks.
You are welcome. I found a couple of other images, but nothing more than that. So, you know how to use it? You just want to know how to keep the bucket in good condition? Wouldn't it be the same as the ice cream bucket?
I'm very sorry for your loss and hope you can locate the info you seek and churn out more German- style breads from that bucket.
Just the sound of that is so cool! Good luck and let us know how it works. With some pics. Thanks!
Re: how to use the dough bucket, actually I am not sure.
I have had suggestions, but no real step-by-step, hence the quest for the owner's manual - i.e., do you just dump the ingredients into the bucket and turn it on, or ...
Some real basic, step 1, step 2 would be much appreciated.
My wife didn't have the chance to use the buckets much at all, and I didn't get the chance to learn from her.
I'm so sorry... I'm sure this has a lot of meaning to you. Funny, how little things can become so important? I'm going to assume that you would use it like you would use any bucket bread maker from any brand. I found this thread this morning right here on Freshloaf. It won't help for how to care for the bucket, but I'm sure White Mountain can give you that info as they still them. They have this here, but I wonder if the wood should be oiled (with food safe oil?)
I also found this, make sure to scroll down to the update to the answer:
Now, about how to use it, this is probably universal for all such machines except yours is electrified. Here is the link here on Freshloaf - activate it by adding a response and hopefully, someone will respond:
And here are directions to another (hand crank version):
Video for EZ DOH:
This is another one - last picture says how to use it:
It's not all that you are asking for, but it might get you to the right spot.
I have a similar bread bucket- Universal brand. HERE is a link for the Universal Dough Maker Instruction booklet.
THIS is a link, with pictures, of someone who uses the Universal Doughmaker to this day.
I believe you should be able to use the Universal instruction booklet. I made bread in it and it was very easy. The only problem was this was designed to make 4 loaves at a time. Bread was a cheap way to feed a family and "store boughten" bread was expensive. Baking was done once or twice a week and these buckets came in different sizes. My mom remembers her mothers dough mixer was very large (family of 12!) and baking of bread and coffee cakes occurred once a week and the "breadbox" was a copper washtub with lid. Bread,rolls and coffeecakes filled it every week. Wow!
Have fun!
Have fun!
Ha! just as I posted a link to that thread. So glad you popped in to add more info.
Thank you all very much - my Bread Notebook is taking shape rapidly.
I really appreciate your time and thoughts.
My quest continues.
Hello JC,
Replying to your last comment directly to see if you still have the wooden dough buckets.
I have a White Mountain wooden dough bucket that is in bad shape and need a replacement!
I am making bread using a White Mountain Electric Bread Maker with a wooden bucket.
It belongs to my 95 y.o. mother and the bucket is in bad shape. I would be interested in buying one
of your wooden dough buckets if you are interested in selling.
My mother said that she only cleans and rinses it out with warm water. If I find the instruction booklet I
will f/u with more information.
Annie B.
Yes, I have a White Mountain Dough Bucket available - bucket only.
How do we communicate to make arrangements?
I apologize for the tardy response.
Thank you.