Bernard Clayton's Pain de Campagne Honfleur

Profile picture for user BreadLee

It's a bit ugly and my wheat stalks look more like baseball bats,  but it's not shabby for a first crack at them.  Should taste great with the honey etc. 

New Complete Book of Bread.  Pgs 214-217.

That is my "go-to" bread. I make it nearly every week because it's BIG and it goes with savory or sweet flavors.

It has taken me the longest time to get it how I want it. I've got a loaf of it proofing in the fridge tonight. I have my fingers crossed that it turned out as well as last time.  For me, for a commercial yeast bread, it's pretty good and has that sourdough feel. 

You did a great job and kudos to you for attempting to make the top decoration. I am tooooo lazy for that. :-)

This is the loaf I did last week.