I live in NYC and would greatly welcome any suggestions for reasonably priced sources for local grains and things like barley flakes and semolina flour. I have been ordering KA flours from the internet, but it would be great if there were an in-person source for other items that didn't cost a fortune. Any recommendations? I've learned that you can order flour for pickup at the NYC Greenmarket from Farmer Ground Flour so I might try that. Thanks!
Hello, If's.
This place has it all! From spices to whole grain berries to ground grains and rice too. Much much more. Worth a trip and walk around the store. https://foodsofnations.com/?page_id=2 Manhattan in the e20's.
Kalustyan's does indeed seem to offer a truly gobsmacking range of grain-based products Wil: 114 different items shown online. Some pretty exotic stuff.
But not so fast. When you zero in on their wheatberries for example, you get this:
Hard? Soft? Red? White? Spring? Winter? Conventional? Organic?
Product description offers no answers.
So if you just can't find that fonio, maida or markouk you so desperately need, Kalustyan's are your guys. But for provenance and labeling? Not so sure.
OTOH, Central Milling has a 20%-off sale on now ?.
An other minus they seemed quite expensive for the 1 lbs bags they sell. Like I said I had a blast walking though the store a few months ago. Truth be told I left with out buying anything! Like you said a good spot to know if you just have to have that exotic ingredient.