Log in on phone

Profile picture for user albacore

Whenever I log in to the forum on my phone I get those dreaded Captcha photos - and they are pretty difficult to decipher on a 5.1" screen!

I could understand this happening once, but not every time... Same phone and same browser always.

Does anyone else have this problem?


Yes. I’d guess that 20% of the time I can’t get past the Capcha and just give up. It might happen right now for all I know. Here goes... wish me luck!

only took 4 attempts. I persevered just to support your point. 

If you setting is automatically clearing the cache every time you turn on the browser, it will cause this to happen I believe.  I hate when it happens too, but until Floyd upgrades to a new system, I don't think there is much to do unless you change your setting not to empty the cache.

on my phone. I just enlarge and click the required pictures. Annoying? Yes! But oh well!