Need advice for braided bread....

Profile picture for user SallyBR

hello, everyone

I've been playing with a basic challah recipe to make different types of braided breads.  I would like to make a bread with two types of braids, but one of them I want to keep lighter - the challah, when fully baked turns out quite dark, golden brown (see my attached photo)

If I want to add a second braid that would be for instance dyed with turmeric to have a more orange color, what kind of dough would you recommend???? 


Profile picture for user Mini Oven

What if you just change the "wash" instead?  Use a different wash on the lighter braid, one with considerably less fat and sugar so it doesn't get so dark.  

You can also stencil or brush paint a decoration on the lighter braids using the darker wash after the lighter wash sets and dries a bit.  

I guess that could work, it's true that the wash with egg is what's giving it so much darkness during baking


will try that today

I wonder if just dropping the sugar content a bit would give you a lighter colour on the outside?

I did not glaze at all and used turmeric in the dough....

Not a challah, but I can visualize a picture in one of my old bread books for a round rye bread & potato bread twist (proofed with a small greased pan in the center).   I haven't made any exotic challah and am interested in what others say about different grain blends, spices, or fruit/veg purees.