Yes, I got it like that! Brookyln, represent!

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

O.M.G! I live in New York style pizza central. Joe's of Bleecker Street, John's of Bleecker street, Bleecker street pizza, and Prince street pizza all within walking distance. Even with my limited experience and amateur status, I would presume to put my signature black olive and pepperoni pie up against any of the above mentioned. Smile.

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Image may contain: dessert and food

Image may contain: pizza and food

Image may contain: food

Oh man that is one sexy pizza! Can I get jalapenos on mine? 


Gladly excepted! Additionally, my logistics team is in heated negotiations with amazon, fellas, it looks like country wide drone delivery my be on the horizon!! (Ha I have pipe dreams) Smile...

Will, your pizza post have inspired me! I just rec’d 2 of Lloyd’s Black Cutter Pans, some Caputo 00 Pizzeria flour, and have a bag of Caputo 00 Americana arriving Monday. Plan to make pizza either tomorrow or Sunday. Red sauce is made and marinating. Got to pickup some black olives. 

Would you believe I went in my shop, got an old chamois, cut it in a 12” circle, and have been practicing my pizza toss? LOL

You really started something... I’m off on another tangent!


Your shaping is outstanding, Pie King.


This was the second of two experimental from frozen dough balls. The last one I let bench rest to long on the counter. The pie was nice, the dough was a little too elastic. This time I defrosted the dough in the refrigerator for 24hr. then warmed to room temp. two hours before the shape/bake. Very happy, except the oven spring was not as good as my baked from fresh, (unfrozen)