I have a supply of Caputo 00 Pizzeria flour. It is good for high heat baking on my Big Green Egg. It can easily reach 800F or hotter. But I would like to bake some pizza in my home oven which maxes out @ 550F. A better flour for this would be Caputo 00 Americana flour.
Is it possible to replicate the Americana by adding diastatic malt to increase browning at lower temperature? If so, what percentage would you recommend?
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some sugar instead of malt?
What is the litner number of your D.M.P.? Mine is # 30 I add 1% to my pizza dough. Fyi I still needed to add some sugar to get the browning I like. I am using KAF unbromated.
Will, from what I can tell it looks like 210L. Take a look at THIS. I got a message from Tom, the Dough Doctor during the night that mentions, “0.25% of 20L DMP”. My retardation is scheduled for 48-72 hours @ 38F.
I read that the base difference between Caputo 00 Pizzeria and Americana is the malt. I really don’t want to keep 2 flours dedicated to pizza on hand. This the idea to add malt to the Pizzeria flour.
Hey, Danny, boy!
I told you the boys over at the pizza club would help you out! Like Dave said, should the malt powder fail to provide the browning effect go with .5% sugar. I forget exactly why, but adding more than a small amount of the D.M.P. can have a negative effect on your dough. In other words, more is not always better. I can't wait to see your home oven pizzas.
Dan, have you tried Pete Reinhart's Neo-Neapolitan dough? It uses bread flour, so save your Caputo for the high heat.
I've had good results in the domestic oven, using the optional oil and sugar. I think I knocked the hydration down a bit.
Lance, my go to pizza dough is PR’s Roman Pizza Dough. It is his ultra thin version. But lately the urge to up my games has taken me to PizzaMaking.com . That seems to be “the forum” for all things pizza.
Yes, that's the font of knowledge for pizza making, but be prepared to drink at that font for quite a while - some threads are over 700 pages long!
Since I frequently get a hankering for pizza in the morning, I use THIS DOUGH recipe from pizzamaking.com. I tend to cook at pretty high heat on my Pizza Kettle, so I have taken to using 50/50 Caputo 00 and AP flour. Obviously, I limit the flavor development significantly doing this same day dough, but I have modified the ADY amount for an overnight (or multi-day) ferment with good results.
Lance is very correct that pm.com is a very deep rabbit hole! :)
This pie was homemade italian sausage, jalapeno, finished with a drizzle of honey (favorite combo from a local Neopolitan place):