A sharp knife is as useful to the baker....

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

as much as it is essential to the butcher. This item gets the Pie Kings highest rating! 5 Baguettes! The Chef'sChoice

Trizor XV. https://youtu.be/W4SitQ0cknc. Buck thirty from Amazon, well worth the price tag!

Profile picture for user BreadLee

I have this little dinky carbide sharpener that I use,  but also do it the old fashioned way..a la chef Ramsay.  Lol


That winner on test kitchen looks awesome though.  

I have a steel also. The honing steel will polish an already sharp blade. This baby will accually take a 20 degree angle European blade and hone it to 15 degree Japanese angle!

Diamonds are grand.....But make sure that the blade is free from fats, oils or greases before it contacts the diamonds. The knife's gotta be clean if you want it keen from diamond abrasion.

actually stresses the importance of a clean grease free blade! The XV also has a manual cleaning/ reshaping setting for the #3 honing ceramic disks. They stress not to use the option to often.

I wouldn't go THAT far with the comparison - a baker without a sharp knife is slowed down, but a butcher without a sharp knife is out of work.

You should get use to the fact that I tend to exaggerate! Smile...That being said it is one fine piece of Kitchen  gadgetree!

Naw man!  Say it ain't so!  Lol. Hehe.. gotta have some fun on this thing.  Cheers! 

Pffft... I've told you a million times, don't exaggerate! ?

Exaggeration causes well over half of misunderstandings online.