Homemade Sour Dough No Knead Baguettes


每次看到你的工具和制成品, 都覺得你是開專業麵包店的!

您也會說粵語嗎?您和Yippee臉書朋友嗎?我可在臉書以加您嗎? 哈哈 您做很好看的麵包。您也做中式麵包? 比如燒餅,鍋盔,石子饃.

Profile picture for user Yippee

是年輕人的玩意, 我老了...

今年我想做更多的中式麵包和油酥的餅。也打算做手抓餅。我覺得那個比蔥油餅好吃。Sorry if my Chinese is rusty. :) Hope I can ask you more about those breads and pastries which I really love.

Just watched your videos...you are talented!

I am curious as to why you do not hydrate the flour for at least a short time before adding the starter?

I didn't autolysis because there are several following fold and stretch fermentation which is already enough for the enzyme to work. 

Maojn, I am blown away with your baguettes. Even though your videos are in a language unknown to me, I have watched both part 1 and 2 of your YouTube presentation. To bake 9 baguettes at once in a home oven and produce those results is outstanding.

We are presenting running a Community Bake featuring Baguettes. Many are eager to learn. Please drop in and share...


Thank you for your kind words. I pretty much typed all the important words in my video already. Let me know if you have questions.