Greetings From TFL Noob

Profile picture for user KarlSangree

I just joined TFL and wanted to say hello. I have been baking bread for about 30 years now. With my Danish heritage, bread making is baked into my DNA (pun intended). I am looking forward to browsing the forums and learning some new methods and techniques.

When I am not baking, I work as a state humane police officer and deal with animal cruelty, abuse, and neglect. Bread baking is a hobby for me... just something I love doing in my spare time.

Thanks for having me... and I look forward to learning and growing as a baker.

The photo is me and my partner - K9 Ernie.

Welcome!  :D  I'm a noob, too, in all respects.  I have a recipe I hacked out with a groomer I worked for  years ago: Barkies!  We were giving them away with every grooming and the poochies *loved* them.  I was making them in bacon, pumpkin and beef flavor (I'll occasionally bake up a batch for dog owners at church).  I'd sure love to give Ernie one of Bonnie's Bacon Barkies!  :D  (And a hug!)

Hey Chicken Lady... Thanks for your kind and generous offer, but I will have to take a pass. The treats sound wonderful and I'm sure my partner would love them. To protect the dogs from digestive mishaps, we have a policy where I can only give him food that came to me in an unopened container from a known source. My neighbors and even my UPS driver would like to give Ernie treats but I have to discourage them from doing so. Thanks again for the kind offer!


we do have a little fun while baking...

0ff topic but just had to share.  Took a photo while buying dog food.  Apparently advertising for frozen dog food on freezer transport bags but German language can be so funny at times. To make a bread connection one could call it a form of "no-need dog food?" 


Mini. :)