Need HTML Help

Profile picture for user DanAyo

I am hoping that someone familiar with HTML code can help me. I would like to be able to edit the code for my post in order to place an anchor(s) in the text. Then place a link at the top of that same post, that when clicked will take the user to that anchor.

I have tried coding using the “<>” link in the edit functions on the post to no avail. Floyd thinks this may be possible, but I haven’t been able to crack this nut.

Any help appreciated!


Jump here

For some reason, if just an id is given as the href parameter, the link will send you to the homepage. However, you can specify the whole URL followed by the id, and that seems to work.

For example, within the source of this post is

<p id="jump">Jump here</p>

and at the bottom of this post is

<a href="node/60167/need-html-help#jump">Link to make jump</a>

You can test this by scrolling down far enough that the top of this post is no longer visible, then clicking the "Link to make jump" link. This should take you to the first line of this post, which reads "Jump here".











Link to make jump